FASHION REVOLUTION WEEK: What It Is & Why You Should Care


Fashion Revolution Week is about asking the question #whomademyclothes. The campaign was born on April 24th, when the Rana Plaza factory collapsed in Bangladesh, killing 1138 people and injuring many more in 2013. This tragedy exposed the lack of care in the fashion industry for those who are producing our clothing. Fashion Revolution seeks to bring transparency into the fashion industry through having consumers pose the question “who made my clothes”. Brands and producers can respond with the hashtag #imadeyourclothes to provide transparency to their followers. 



Fashion Revolution brings together people from all around the world who love fashion and want to see it become a force for good. The Fashion Revolution is composed of both the people who wear clothes and the people who make them.

Designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers and fashion lovers are brought together to revolutionize the fashion industry–we believe fashion can be used for good and we won’t stop till that holds true.


So why should you care? Fashion revolution week is about demanding transparency as a consumer and providing it as a producer. The fashion revolution isn’t just about demanding rights for factory workers but it is about your rights too. As a consumer, you should have the right to know who is making your clothes and if they are being treated fairly. We cannot continue to blindly trust but rather we must demand answers.



As a consumer, you can get involved in fashion revolution week by reaching out to brands you shop to ask:



As a producer, you can get involved by telling your consumers who is behind the clothes they wear by utilizing the hashtag:



We’ll be taking part in Fashion Revolution Week on our instagram all week long. Make sure to follow along @notthenewblack

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